How to craft an RN resume?


Input from those who read them please!!!

How specific and/or vague do most employers (i.e. hospitals, agencies, etc) like an RN's resume?

Say for instance, ER/trauma experience, behavioral health, corrections, MD office, urgent care... under each "employer" listed, what sort of bulleted info do I need to include on my resume? I have received compliments on mine, and in the same breath had it "revamped" by a nursing recruiter (who I ended up doing a 13-week contract for)...

So... how much or little do we need to describe as far as what we've done in the realm of nursing???

Thanks in advance!

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

As a general rule of thumb ... If it's ordinary duties that most people in a similar job do, then either don't list it separately or be as brief as possible. For example, if you were a staff nurse for 1 year on a med/surg floor, there is no need to list every task that you did as a staff nurse. People know what those tasks are and listing them would just clutter up your resume. A one or two line description of the population and your scope of duties would be sufficient.

However, if the job involved special responsibilities that would the reader might not be aware of, then go into a little more detail. So, you might need to tailor your resume for different situations. For example, an inpatient manager might not know what you did in the doctor's office ... or might not automatically know what you did in your behavioral health role. Give them a few hints using broad descriptors that provide an overview of your role. Then fill in the details in the interview and/or offer additional documentation if necessary.

Specializes in Neuroscience/Trauma ICU.

I am a new grad RN with a little less than 1 year experience in the Neuro/trauma ICU. I am looking for an additional Per Diem job and I need to revise my resume

I was wondering some similar questions:

-Should I take out clinical rotations?

-Do I need to add a "Qualification Summary" in addition to the "Objective"?

-do I need to list my License #

Please share any suggestions or templates :) Thank you

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