Published Sep 6, 2009
1 Post
I am new here, and I am very excited to have found this forum! Looking quick, I can't wait to see whats going on in the nursing community in NY and even more so here on Long Island.
I have a question, which is what actually led me to finding allnurses. I hope that someone may be able to help me out.
I had worked for a home care agency in 1995-91 as an LPN and I recall the pay being about $24-26 an hour at that time as an LPN. This month as an RN now, I went back to the same agency and was rehired. I was quoted a pay rate of 28-32 an hour depending on the case/insurance issues! I thought, no that must be a mistake. I liked the agency and decided to see what the first check would be. $30 an hour! I have been an RN for 19 years with hospital experience, 5 years prior to that I had been an LPN with home care experience. 24 Years of nursing experience and I am being paid $30 an hour?? I did 1 more case that was medicaid and was paid $28 an hour! OMG!! Can it be that they are paying me a LPN salary since when I was origionally employed I was a LPN??
What are RN's being paid?
Thanks for reading!