HOBET test


Hey there:

Just wondered if anyone has taken the HOBET test yet. I'm studying for it and wondered what others thought of it...seems a little ridiculous as I have a BA already, I feel like I have to think down if that makes any sense. It states its supposed to see if the potential student can handle college reading and math... I hope I do OK, I take it on June 6th...


You shouldnt have a problem with it at all. I took the hobet for a community college ADN program and passed it fine. The reading was a little harder than the math for me- as they cram a lot in a little bit of time. It makes you a little anxious. The math- I would study up on percents and ratios-other than that it is just basic really easy stuff. But if you are not prepared you could fail, the hobet study guide is great help for any pre-nursing exam.

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