Published Nov 23, 2015
1 Post
For my freshman 101 class I have to interview someone in my dream profession and my teacher said a forum is ok. If anyone would like to help it would be greatly appreciated. The questions needed for the assignments are below and thank you to anyone who answers.
1. Why did you choose your career or career path? What degree do you have?
2. What pushed you to choose this career of becoming a CRNA?
3. What skills do you need to be really good at what you do?
4. How would you describe the ideal student and the ideal teacher?
5. What did you have to give up to be successful in this career
6. which experiences, when you were a college student, were most valuable to your development? What kinds of things might you have done differently?
7. Are you the first one in your family to graduate?
8. Can you think of a time when you let the victim mindset (self doubt or blaming others for your problems) hold you back?
9. Can you think of a time when the creator mindset (taking responsibility and creating something out of nothing) helped you solve a problem?
10. How long did it take you to get to where you are now?
11. Do you have any cons or regrets as a CRNA?
12. How was your college experience and how was the work load?
13. What method of studying helped you the most in college?
14. What pros motivate you to do your job as a CRNA everyday?