HH Infusion RN


I've done the hospital thing, did some HH infusion work, and now i know what i want to do. A Field Infusion RN. You still get to keep some of the skills you gained in the ICU dealing with VAD's and starting IV's, but in the home. All praises to not having to deal with the drama of sorority like behavior, and working in a building for 12hrs on your feet. The cons to HH RN is the charting you REALLY don't get paid for post the client visit. But it all pans out with the independence and autonomy you have as a HH RN. Also, make sure you service your car appropriately! Keep those receipts, all are tax deductible!! I just got an opportunity with a company to solely do HH infusion Nursing. Yep no more stinking Oasis with this job atleast. I still have my other HH Agency I work for just to keep my Oasis charting up to par. Anyone else doing HH infusion Nursing in Texas? Love to hear from you!!

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