
Nursing Students Student Assist


What is a good score to get on HESI??? i got a 996 but the scores werent explained to us. My instructor just said to take the test ASAP, so hopefully that was a good sign. I was hoping it would say what areas you needed to go over more.

Specializes in ER.

I think the recommended score depends on your school. For instance, my school requires a 900 or above.

Specializes in Orthopaedics/Med-Surg.

The "ideal" score does depend on your school. Mine says we should get at least 850, preferably 900 on the HESI exit exam. My school says that a HESI score of over 850 is a good sign you will pass NCLEX the first time. Our grade is not affected by the HESI, but if we get below 850 we have to talk to our adviser about a plan for NCLEX.

After the exam, the program takes us through all questions we got wrong and why, and gives us a printable breakdown of our scores by area, so we know what areas we are strong or weak in. It's too bad your school doesn't offer the same thing. Based on your score, you have an excellent chance of passing the first time :wink2:.

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