HESI Help needed


:) hi my name is sabrina and i'm new to this site so please excuse me if i mess up a little. i'm a prenursing student and i have to take my hesi entrance exam on the 18th of june! i'm hopeing to get into my schools spring quarter nursing class. i have the evolve reach admisssion assessment exam review quide. isbn 978-1-4160-5635-5, i'v heard good things about it. however, i'm still very nervous about taking the exam! i'v been trying to get into a nursing class for 3 years now. i'm transfering schools and this is their entrance exam. my question is how accurate is the material in the study quide? is the test like the questions in the quide? and what is on the chemistry and a & p sections? i have had all my prerecs but i wasn't required to take chemistry. i noticed it is on the test i was woundering if anyone could tell me about how much chem. is in the there. is it enough to keep one from passing the test? and the other major problem is physics!!! i'v been out of school for quite sometime now. (high school) physics is not something i grasp at all. is there a lot on the test related to this topic???

any help and advise i will be thankfull for!!

oh and does anyone know of a site to get practice questions from?

thank you! :nurse:

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