Published Jun 16, 2014
1 Post
going for exam this week...
how do i narrow down my focus'
all i got is nerves all over
43 Posts
Concentrate on the material in the HESI Study Guide by Elsevier. What you see in that guide, will prepare you for what you can expect to see on the test. It was the best resource I had. Try not to be nervous. The test is long, but just start at the beginning and work your way through. This is what your pre-reqs prepared you for. You'll do fine! Good luck!
3 Posts
I am taking it on Friday, do you have any suggestions what to revise in the next few days?
15 Posts
I agree with honeyrose29, the HESI Study Guide by Elsevier helped me more than anything I studied. If you study that you should be fine...I don't know what sections are required for your school...but if you have to take the A&P portion don't underestimate it. I found it to be quite in depth and the questions on that portion went well beyond what was in the study guide. Don't be nervous and shoot up a prayer before you take it, you will be fine. Good luck! :)
How did you do on your exam? Any pointers for the AP section? I'm taking my exam this week. I have nerves all over just like you did.