Hesi Department ID. Please help


Hello everybody,

So the school I want to apply to has the HESI a2 as a requirement for admission, and they do testing within their own campus. All testing spots are filled though, so the only other way for me to take the HESI is through a prometric center.

Testing through the prometric center requires a school department ID and since the school I want to go to does it through their campus, they would not give me the department ID.

But, I've searched google and there are several other schools that give out their department ID's so students may test at prometric centers. (schools being out of state for me, really far, and what not.)

My question is, would I be able to use these schools department IDs, even though I am not planning to attend there. I simply just want to take the HESI and send the results to this school.

Please help! Thank you all for reading!

Hi I just wanted to ask and follow-up, were you able to get the department ID that was needed, because I’m in a similar situation as you.

  • HI , yes i was able to search a random school who posted their code on their nursing admissions page. I would google around schools. THey are out there. I would also confirm with your school that they would accept this. (GOOD LUCK!

Thank you so much for getting back to me! Your help is much appreciated!

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