Published May 3, 2018
esjordan12, BSN, RN
3 Posts
I took the HESI a few months ago and typed this note in my phone but forgot to post it. Sorry, that it's a little late. I hope that it can still help someone. My overall score was 94.5%
Math (98%)- For the math section I had about 15 that were fill in the blank and most of the fill in the blank ones were conversions (grams to mg, cm to inches, etc). If I hadn't studied the conversions I probably wouldn't have passed this section. Also they had a couple of questions that were like "which of these fractions is the largest?" I would suggest converting everything to percentages first. Be able to solve multi-step equations. For example (not an exact question from the test) "There are 63673 total books in the store. This person took 1/4 of them, and of the 50% that were left, 1000 were fiction. How many books were nonfiction?" I missed one algebra question on the math. The math section wasn't difficult at all.
Reading (90%)- This was the section I scored the lowest in. The reading was kinda tricky for me even though I'm usually good at reading comp. Main idea, inferences, implications, etc... There were a few fact vs opinion, and word meaning questions too. Some of the questions were worded weird. I also had one question where I had to select all the answers that were correct. From what other people have told me, there can sometimes be fill in the blank questions on the reading as well.
Vocab (94%)- I think 30ish words were from the evolve book. There were a few word that I had never heard of before. Most of my words were in sentence format. There were also a couple of grammar questions on the vocab section but those were like "which word would make the sentence grammatically correct" (for example: aide or aid) and also a few "which word is spelled incorrectly". Also be prepared to put words in alphabetical order. A lot of my words were medical terminology. Not like pericarditis, but words that are used in the medical field often.
Anatomy (96%)- I took this section first to get it out the way so I don't remember much from it. I don't remember having any hormone questions. I had a few joint questions, questions about specific bone locations, bones that articulate with other bones, one question about organelles, one question about DNA, a few questions about the heart and blood flow. Know the function of chemoreceptors, specific bone locations, the difference between mitosis and meiosis, major muscles, the function of systems, etc. There was one question where I had to select all of the functions of a certain system. For example, I was given 4 answers and had to put a check mark next to the correct answers.