Published Jun 21, 2018
1 Post
HESI A2 Admission Test (6/21/18) 87% with 2 days to study.
Background: I've taken all my science pre-reqs. 2 years ago with Bs.
-Elsevier HESI A2 4th edition: must have!!
-Pocket Prep full version: I am the type of learner that needs repetition. Has 100+ questions of each subject. Copies the Elsevier format. I mostly used this app than reading the book. It will give you explanations of the answer. The questions on here were more in depth. If you get a 85%, you're golden. You can personalize how many test and what kind of subject you want to be tested. I would re-take the test until I get more than 85% 3 times then stop and move to another subject. I would do 50questions each subject and read each explanation even if I got the answer right. I go through each choice and say what each choice is about and why it isn't the answer.
A&P 84% out of 30 questions
-bones (at least 4 questions): make sure you know where the major bones are like the metacarpals, humerus, etc. types of bones and what's in it)
-joints (3 questions)
-types of tissues
-know each body system
-know the locations
-Reviewed Elsevier (40% of the questions are on here): I wrote down notes and paraphrasing it to my understanding instead of highlighting the book.
-mostly used (a brief review of all the systems. Some of the test questions were on here. Other students in this forum also recommended it)
-pocketprep app
Bio 88% out of 30 questions
-basic biology
-cellular respiration, mitosis, meiosis, DNA replication
-Elsevier!! Made it easy to understand and 90% of the questions were on here. Memorize it!
-pocketprep!!! I love this app!! Best purchase
Chemistry 84% out of 30 questions
-Elsevier!!! 80% were on Elsevier. Memorize it!
-pocket prep!!!
Math 90% out of 55
-conversion!!!! Gallons, pints, metric, ounces
-Elsevier!!! Review it!
Memory Tricks: Remembering How Many Cups in a Gallon | Kitchn