Hep B vaccine - late schedule

Specialties Pediatric


I'm working on a critical thinking exercise regarding a 6-month-old infant who has had no immunizations except Hep B given at birth. Can this infant receive her second Hep B vaccination at age 6 months? I reviewed the information on the CDC website "late schedule", but it is a little vague:

The HepB series should be completed with either monovalent HepB or

a combination vaccine containing HepB. The second dose should be

administered at age 1-2 months. The final dose should be administered

at age 24 weeks.

Specializes in Pediatrics, NICU, ER, PICU.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics you do not start the series over. Get it as soon as you can. The 3rd dose would then be given at least 2 months after the 2nd dose and at least 4 months after the 1st dose as usual. Hope this helps!

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