HELP! 1 yr. between prereq's and Accel. 2nd degree program, what to do???


Hello all,

I am planning on going back to school to pursue nursing. However I will have to take 10 prereq's first (which will take 1 year) and the accelerated 2nd degree program I want to apply to has rolling admissions (they are currently accepting for summer 2010). Meaning, I will most likely have a one year wait after I've completed my prereq's to start the program. I was wondering if anyone knew whether it would be possible for me to get a temporary position in a hospital/clinic for that 1 year?? I just want to be gaining experience while i wait...

I am open to any/all suggestions.


You can apply for a unit secretary job, which would help you so much in clinicals. You will be used to reading and writing doctor's orders. It will also help you with medical terminology.

I would also apply for a PCT (Patient Care Technician) position, which is more hands on, and would help you with skills. You can usually apply for those jobs after you complete your first semester of nursing school, but since you are going to be waiting, I would suggest taking a PCT course (which is usually about 6-8 weeks long depending on the hospital), that way, you'll be working as a PCT while waiting and gaining invaluable experience.

Good luck!

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