Published Oct 12, 2018
1 Post
Hello All,
I am college adjunct faculty currently teaching undergraduate public health. I have a masters in public health and a psych undergrad. I have also almost completed nursing school once in my late 20s. I am now 38 with two kids (3 yrs another is 18 months). I am seeking advice from seasoned RNs.
I love teaching, but also have a passion for pursuing my RN. I am thinking of pursuing my ADN because at this point I cannot rack up more student loans. I am hoping to get feedback on some general aspects of the job and how schooling went for those that had young children when pursuing. Overall, is it worth it?!! I did not complete my RN in my 20s because I was jaded and did not understand how many options I had as an RN. I was in an accelerated program, and I think this led to burn out. As an RN would you change your decision to become one?
Also, I hear about loads of paperwork and bureaucracy, but doesn't this come with every position on earth...?! Looking forward to your advice. Thank you in advance!
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
What type of job do you want as an RN? What types of jobs are available to new ADN grads in your community? Do they match? In many communities, a new grad ADN is very limited in their job opportunities. For many entry-level jobs, a BSN is required.
So can you get the type of job you want as a new grad ADN in your community? You need to find that out before you proceed.