Published Oct 16, 2008
2 Posts
Hey Guys! I'm new here, but I have a question if anyone can help me. I am doing a research paper on the knowledge deficit on the causes of infertility of young men and women. Can someone PLEASE PLEASE tell me how to write a theoritical framework for it??? It would be soooooo APPRECIATED!
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
you need to equate a theorist to the situation at hand. So look up "self care" or "patient education" or "adult learning" to get some theorists names.
Thank you!!! I did that and I got Margaret Newman. What am I supposed to put in this thing? Are there any specific questions I'm supposed to ask? I'm sorry I'm asking so many questions, I'm in nursing school and my teacher didn't tell us anything. She just said do it amongst other things and threw us under a bus. I just need a general guideline or something.
109 Posts
Here is a sample related to nursing. Note the headings...