help me please.


I have recently been selected for an interview for the assiciates degree program for nursing at wku. If anyone has any suggestions on what to wear or the kind of questions they will ask please let me know.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

Dressy casual (no flip flops or heavy makeup or see thru clothes). Google for suggestions.

Questions might have to do with long-term goals and how mature you are or how stable your life is. For instance, if you had a recent arrest for DUI you might be in jail by the time school starts. Just kidding. What are your strengths and weaknesses (I hate that question but be prepared to answer); what are your study habits; what makes you a better candidate than another person; anything that demonstrates you are not a slacker or smart mouth. Good luck!

P.S. If they requested documentation to bring with you be sure to have it!

Dress in a professional manner, just as you would for a job interview. A nice pair of dress pants with a blouse, maybe.

Questions will probably focus on your true feelings about why you want to become a nurse. A lot of people get all "warm and fuzzy" with this type question.....think through and practice what you are going to say. If you say something like "I really want to help people"...okay, that's great. But they want specifics. What makes you who you are and why do you want to help people? They are trying to cut through the fluff....are you there for the paycheck or there because you really want to be.

That is something you need to seriously evaluate, as well. Nursing is the most demanding job I can think is physical, mental and emotional. You have to be a well-balanced person that can handle the stress.

They will ask you all of the legal questions as another poster said. All states have the "NURSE PRACTICE ACT" that holds specific guidlelines. You can get all the way through school and ready for the NCLEX exam and still not be able to get your license if you have certain crimes on your record.

They will also probably lay out for you how their program works.....LISTEN. When they tell you that you will have 10 hours of class time and 40 hours of study/homework; they mean it!! When they tell you that your family will forget your name by the end of school; they mean it!! ( You get the's really not THAT bad, but you have to be willing to give it 100% in order to get through is tough).

Good luck on your interview.

Specializes in CT ICU, OR, Orthopedic.

A suit! A suit! a suit! You should look very professional! Tgey may form an oppinion about you before you ecen open tour mouth! Be prepared to answer questions like "why is ____the school you want to go to?" "where do you see yourself in 5 years?" what are your carrer goals" what strengths do you have that will make you a good nurse". What are your weaknesses"...."what issues do you see nurses facing" oh, and be prpared to explain any weaknesses on your application, like a low grade etc. Make sure you look over all of your application material, so that if they ask you a question, you will be prepared to answer

Good luck!

Specializes in CT ICU, OR, Orthopedic.
Dressy casual (no flip flops or heavy makeup or see thru clothes). Google for suggestions.

Questions might have to do with long-term goals and how mature you are or how stable your life is. For instance, if you had a recent arrest for DUI you might be in jail by the time school starts. Just kidding. What are your strengths and weaknesses (I hate that question but be prepared to answer); what are your study habits; what makes you a better candidate than another person; anything that demonstrates you are not a slacker or smart mouth. Good luck!

P.S. If they requested documentation to bring with you be sure to have it!

study habits...I got asked that question.

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