Help needed from Overseas nurses in US

World International



I need to write a paper for school and need overseas nurses who are currently working in the US who would be willing to answer 10 questions.

Please IM me your resplies! Many thanks!!

All responses will be held in confidence.

  • Why did you decide to leave your home country -
  • What is the most common issue staff have in your hospital?
  • Name your home country
  • How different are your nursing duties in the US from your home country
  • Are you happy you made the move?
  • Career wise do you think that you have more opportunity for advancement, than in your home country?
  • Why did you decide to move to the US?
  • which agency did you use, or did you do it yourself? What problems did you face in the process of getting to the US?
  • Most of us don't like the idea of being in a vunerable position in our work place,but if you were not an employee, would you be happy to be treated at the hospital you work in? Why/why not?
  • 10. If you faced any problems/issues during the process of getting to the US, what were they?
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