Published Jan 21, 2009
1 Post
hi everyone im due to qualify in april 2009, and i am wanting to apply for a job as a neonatal intensive care nurse. however, i am adult trained and was just wondering if any of you out there had any tips for me as to what to put in my personal statement. i have been to look around the unit and i feel that its the place where i belong. sooooooo pleeeas help meeeeeeeeee :heartbeat:heartbeat:redpinkhe
234 Posts
You could look around in the NICU forum, there are threads where prospective applicants have asked for advice. I got hired into the NICU straight from school and in my cover letter and interview, I emphasized that I liked the NICU because of the total care, ability to become an expert in a specialized area, and getting to provide lots of education and support for the family. Be sincere and let your passion shine through, but make sure you express realistic expectations too. I would advise against gushing about how you just love babies and want to hold them and care for them all day. I mostly work in the level III unit where we cluster care and promote minimal stimulation, so I may go 3 weeks without actually holding a baby.
Good luck, I love working in the NICU :)