Help! I'm a NJ respiratory therapist...

U.S.A. New Jersey


just came back to this state, not working & no longer a member of any RT associations. I need to get my CE credits to keep my license current. I'm looking for FREE places to pick up my credits. Please don't tell me where the paid ones are. I'm sure most of the nursing credits cross over to respiratory. If you can help me I will help you with any respiratory stuff. I live in Brick, NJ so don't send me to Bergen county. I will go to Atlantic City though! I need this like yesterday. Sincerely though!

sorry, I live a few states away from you...did you get all the online credits??

there are some sites with free ceu's...I don't know of any right off the bat, but try googling facility provides me with 1 ceu a month and I got 12 for taking ACLS for the first the past though I've taken free ceu courses online and in my state, you are allowed 12 online ceu's...sometimes though the aarc doesn't recognize nursing ceu' be careful of the ones you do get...

katie RT

Please provide me with links to any free CEUs, perhaps when you think of any or your hospital provides you with them in the future you could email me directly, thanks for responding

hi there. i work as an rt in north carolina. try and also a lot of them will say that they are credits for physicians or nurses. but when i submitted them to my board for ceu's i never had a problem. we are required to get 10 ceu's. some of them are long. but its free and it would be the quickest way. also try i think it will link you to what they call center for clinical excellence and you can register and get free ceu's there too. hope this helps. let us know.

try click on respiratory therapy, they have some freebies

start with these, if you need more, just go to and type in the search bar "free online respiratory ceu's" and read through everything that comes up, but make sure that it reads "free"...

Katie & others:

As you become aware of new free CEUs from your job as you say Katie, or other sources, please feel free to email me, just click on my profile, allow the vcard download or look thru my biography to get my email address & or post here to let me know. I will keep you updated of my progress & thank you one & all.

P.S.I'm pretty sure most of the nursing CEUs cross over to respiratory but I can find out so don't hesitate to let me know about these as well. Thank you.

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