Published Apr 1, 2015
5 Posts
Hi guys! Super excited that I have been accepted to Accelerated BSN programs at OHSU and Linfield as well as BSN programs at U of P and Walla Walla University this year!! I have narrowed it down to OHSU and Linfield and am wondering if you guys know any single parents that have successfully survived the AccBac programs at either school in hopes of figuring out which program might best fit with my family. I've been accepted to summer cohorts for both schools and need to put my deposit down for OHSU next week - so I am in "information gathering mode" as I am sure you understand!!
So, I am a single mom and my kids are young - in kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 4th grades. I am currently looking for a live-in nanny-type that will trade free rent for reliability in getting my kids where they need to be each day when I need to leave early in the mornings or get home late. I'm pretty sure that is a given that I MUST have someone I can rely on all of the time?
Also wondering if anyone knows of nursing scholarships/grants for single moms? Lastly - how hard is it to get a student loan from a bank? My FAFSA had a high EFC only because I have some money in a Traditional IRA that I received in the divorce. I have a good credit rating but I barely qualified for my home loan last year because my income to debt ratio was SOOOOO close to the limit (literally withing tenths of a percentage point). So I fear that I have gone through all of this applying, been accepted to 4 schools and won't be able to finance the program
Any input? Or both :)
kalycat, BSN, RN
1 Article; 553 Posts
Hi there,
I don't know about specific scholarships for single moms, but I found that my private university offered generous institutional scholarships and grants. I have several friends who are Linfield graduates and it seems that they have an extensive institutional financial aid package, but having never gone there myself, I'm not sure of the process or what the qualifications are. I know that you can appeal to the financial aid office at any school to revise your EFC for special circumstances, like the extensive child care you will need to be successful. I would try to work directly with whatever school you choose because I found that private scholarships often have long turn around times or are very specific with their criteria. Perhaps arrange a meeting one on one with a financial aid counselor before making your decision?
For the price difference, I personally would go to OHSU, but that's just me. My school offered a nursing loan program as well; it was federally insured but not entirely need based. There were also several competitive nursing merit scholarships available. Several in my cohort had good luck qualifying for private student loans from Wells Fargo. Have you received an award letter of any sort yet? If you have a solid GPA you may find that you qualify for merit scholarships or grants. Good luck to you! When my kids were small and I as working insane hours, I had the best luck with mother's helpers who were retired and flexible but not necessarily live-in. Congratulations on having so many options from which to choose!
Thanks for the reply :) I have a 3.97 BS in Chemistry and a 4.0 nursing pre-reqs, so I will look into some of the merit-based scholarships for sure. It is good to know I can go through an appeal process as well! I certainly don't want to incur huge penalties by withdrawing money from the IRA I have requested a meeting with the Linfield fin aid contact already. I have been conversing with some current OHSU AccBac students and they have stated that other than the commute to campus, the worst thing about OHSU is that their "financial aid dept sucks" and do little to even direct you to outside loan help
Again - greatly appreciate your response :) thanks!