Published Nov 26, 2005
3 Posts
Hi everyone.. First let me say this site is great and it's nice to see how everyone takes the time to give really helpful information.
I am a college grad with a BA in Political Science (go figure).. and I recently realized I really want to become a nurse.. I am applying to the evening ADN program at BMCC... I work fulltime and do not have the time to go to school full time...My questions are:
1. Is it hard to get a job in New York with just a ADN? I plan to go for the Accelerated BSN once I get hired as an ADN if possible.
2. What is the average salary for a fresh ADN grad with no prior experience in NY?
3. Will my BA count for anything since it is in Political Science?
Thanks so much for any help anyone can provide!
60 Posts
ADN or are a RN. Nurses are in demand and it shouldn't be too hard to find a job when or just before graduating. I just graduated in May, and the only real difference that I've seen from going to open house dinners and other meetings is that, 1-the BSN's are well at my hospital go through this rotation throughout the hospital for a year, in about 4-5 areas that they choose....mostly critical care-is what they push them toward...but unfair as it is, its a great opportunity for a BSN grad. Number 2...i think they make only $1,000 to possibly $2,000 more from the information i've collected from local hospitals in suffolk county. But don't despair because a lot of my friends i've graduated with...went into critical the same hospital. Starting salary for new grad talking to you is 65,500-ADN. As far as the BA....i think you might be able to do an accelerated program because you have a bachelors but i think it might have to be in science...i'm not too sure if a BA and not a BS is required-I think it might be the BS to get into a 4 year college accelerated program which is usually a year long, and upon graduating you get a BSN. But you said a community college (BMCC) then you must have all the pre-reqs. Well I'm sure you will get in....its competitive but they need us. Best of luck and hope I helped you some.
16 Posts
Hi, You are eligible for the Accelerated BSN programs no matter what your BA or BS is in -- after you have completed the science prerequisites. The accelerated programs give you credit for all those liberal arts and social science classes that make up the bulk of ther difference between the ADN and the BSN. BMCC's ADN program has some of the same pre-req's as the accelerated programs do (chem & a&p). There's a lot to consider, I am in the same position as you, but I'm leaning toward an accelerated BSN. I think you can get into a MSN program with an ADN and a BA in another area, but I don't plan to pursue an MSN, so I want to get my BSN and be done. The ADN is cheaper but harder to get into. I think the accelerated BSN actually takes less time than the ADN. Differences in pay and job opportunities may be marginal, but from what I understand, BSN will become the minimum standard in NY in the future. Best of luck!
41 Posts
I'm also in a similar situation. I graduated in 2000 with a BA in Sociology and Women's Studies .
I've decided to go the Accelerated BSN route as well. There are a couple of schools in the city (Downstate, NYU, Columbia, Wagner, Pace) that have accelerated programs. Most are between 12 and 15 months long (compared to 2yrs for ADN, full-time). The catch with the accelerated programs is that you really can't work. Some people do it but I've heard that it's really difficult b/c the programs are so intense. Also, any school that is inexpensive (CUNY and SUNY) is super competitive. I'm applying to 7 different schools to keep my options open.
Echinacea's right, RNs with a BSN only start out making $1-$2K more annually than RNs with an ADN but there has been a lot of discussion about BSN being baseline in NY. Also, from what I understand, a BSN can provide you with more advancement opportunities.
Since you already have a BA, I would recommend you apply to BSN (accelerated and regular) as well as ADN programs - if you get into a BSN program you could be done in the same amount of time as it would take you to get an ADN and it might provide you with different opportunities.
I'm putting in all of my applications right now (and have done extensive research on the different programs), so feel free to ask me questions about any of the different programs/schools.
Good luck!
Katie, Echinacea, and Shanna.. Thanks for all your info!!!.. After some research and calls to numerous admissions offices around NYC..ADN through BMCC's evening/ weekend program is really my only option due my financial needs and work schedule... but thanks to your responses I'm way more confident about getting the ADN degree now... I was afraid I'd be at a much lower level. I also read suggestions on this board re maybe getting my employer to pay for my BSN once I get the ADN. From what I've seen it's pretty expensive... Although I don't think I'll want to go into management.. I also read about NY possibly requiring.. Well hopefully I can get my foot in the door and get into the BMCC program. Thanks again!!!