Help with book of poems on premature birth


Hi all,

This is my first post. I wrote a book of poems about the premature birth of my twin niece and nephew last year. I showed it to a number of nurses and doctors and have gotten great responses. One nursing professor even included one of the poems in an academic presentation. I'm also working with a nicu social worker who thinks it could be useful to parents in support meetings.

But, when I showed it to traditional poetry publishers I didn't get anywhere because it's not "cutting edge" and I haven't been published in any university literary reviews. So instead of waiting on some publisher I decided to do it myself. I designed a cover, found a printer, and set up a web site ( The problem I'm having is figuring out how to let people know that the book even exists. I've tried contacting some parenting magazines and doing some internet advertising, but haven't really gotten anywhere. I'd really appreciate any thoughts on how to get the word out.


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