Published Mar 7, 2011
2 Posts
I would like to get some advice on my situation. Short version I worked x number of hours and my client is a 5 year old autistic boy. Even though the background wasn't complete I still worked so technicially I'm working for the clients mother right? The thing is I felt extremely uncomfortable the first week because of the client's mothers advances. I got wierd texts' from her over the weekend. So I resigned today because it just wasn't right for my client. Now she is saying that I wasn't even on the payroll of the agency, but she DID pay me 9 hours outta the 28.75 that I worked last week in cash. But because I resigned she's saying I'm not getting paid for the remainder 19.75. Do I just small claims her for the hours or do I sue for the obvious sexual harrassment? (Ihave all the corresponding texts, vm's etc...) I mean if she would just pay me for my hours worked we could go our seperate ways.
Thanks in advance everyone.
jb2u, ASN, RN
863 Posts
Unfortunately No one can answer this question for you on here. According to the terms of service for this website, which you agreed to upon signing up with allnurses, you are not allowed to seek legal advice on this website.