Help! Advice with BSN and ADN OPTIONS


Hello all, I need some advise and words of wisdom! Here is my situation. Last year I left my IT position to pursue my dreams of becoming a nurse. I just completed my first year in a community college and just wrapping up the summer session. MY current GPA is 4.0.

I've taken the following courses: ENG101 and 102, PSY 101, Bio111 and statistics. I've also taken 3 foundation classes that are not included in to my GPA (2 math's and one chemistry). I've also taken The west and the world 1 which takes care of my history portion.This semester I will be taking A&P 1 and a humanities class. I will be applying to the Nursing program at my community college that I attend currently but I want to go to a BSN program really bad. Do schools accept students this far along? I want to switch over for the spring session and finish the rest of my preqs there. Has anyone ever done this? any info or words of wisdom would be great. Thank you in advance. I also didnt take a foreign language in high school ( i was in a vocational program/ I did graduate from HS with a dipolma). I want to be a RN.

I think it all depends on the programs you're looking at. Do you have specific schools/programs in mind? Do you have a previous Bachelor's degree in another area - if so, would you consider an Accelerated BSN? Each school has their own list of prereq's that need to be done, preferences about what you have done when you apply, etc. Maybe if you shared specific programs maybe we could help with more details! :)

Specializes in Med/Surg, Rehab.

You will likely have to complete a lot more general education courses but it looks like you've done the basic ones. I think the hardest thing to transfer into nursing programs are the nursing courses themselves since they vary so much between schools. I would definitely apply before you start your nursing courses. They will evaluate your transfer credits on admission and tell you what else you need to complete.

Your HS history shouldn't make a big difference. Many colleges have you take foreign language as a general education requirement.

Good luck! I think going for the BSN is a good choice in this economy. make yourself as marketable as possible!

Hello all, I need some advise and words of wisdom! Here is my situation. Last year I left my IT position to pursue my dreams of becoming a nurse. I just completed my first year in a community college and just wrapping up the summer session. MY current GPA is 4.0.

I've taken the following courses: ENG101 and 102, PSY 101, Bio111 and statistics. I've also taken 3 foundation classes that are not included in to my GPA (2 math's and one chemistry). I've also taken The west and the world 1 which takes care of my history portion.This semester I will be taking A&P 1 and a humanities class. I will be applying to the Nursing program at my community college that I attend currently but I want to go to a BSN program really bad. Do schools accept students this far along? I want to switch over for the spring session and finish the rest of my preqs there. Has anyone ever done this? any info or words of wisdom would be great. Thank you in advance. I also didnt take a foreign language in high school ( i was in a vocational program/ I did graduate from HS with a dipolma). I want to be a RN.

In my experience, it is incredibly difficult to transfer into another school for their R.N. program if you have any college credits done. I decided to save money and start my general education (non-nursing) credits at a CC. Now, when I'm applying to universities, I'm being told that even though I've proven that I can excel with a college workload and have an outstanding GPA, I am at the very bottom of the pool because I am a transfer student. They will accept high school applicants first and then, if there is any room, they will look at the transfer students at "the last minute before classes start" (verbatim from the admissions office).

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