Hello everyone

Nurses New Nurse


:) I am new to this board, just moved up from the student nursing board! I graduated Dec. 21st, and recieved my ATT yesterday. I signed up for Jan. 24th. I am very nervous. :uhoh21: I have started to review again, took the holidays off. I am also starting orientation this week, so I think the hands on will help out too.

Any tips for preparation for the NCLEX?

Thanks for your time. Glad I'm here!!


Specializes in CIC, CVICU, MSICU, NeuroICU.

Hi I also gradated on Dec 16th and will sit for the board on Jan 26th. I have my IP orientation already at the hospital I'll be working on. They stated that they wanted me to work 40 hours a week this month since they will advance our paycheck for the month of Jan. I'm freaking out a bit but I'm following Susanze's study plan. I have been doing practice questions and review all the rationales for both correct and inccrrect answers. I have been studying everyday after work. Let's keep each other up to date about our progress since we are basically in similiar situation. Good luck


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