Published Jun 10, 2017
47 Posts
I am just sharing my experience and hoping I get through this. I had been suffering for a while with all these strange symptoms that were all over the place. I had been misdiagnosed over and over, now I finally know what's going on but I'm so sick and out of work, unsure if I'll get better when I have to return.
I got very sick with what we all thought was an acrylates allergy. it wasn't though. My skin rashes/eye edema began during a "scabies" outbreak. Work comp doc assessed my rashes and symptoms and said it was a drug reaction to my daily meds. I kept seeing patients with rashes and eye symptoms, and told my Boss. I actually got somewhat scolded for that, and my concerns were ignored. Meanwhile I developed other symptoms and got sicker.
I saw 3 eye docs. Diagnosed me with dry eyes. This seemed to be triggering my immune system to go haywire. I could no longer eat without running to the bathroom. dropped down to 90lb, horrible GI issues, pain, fatigue like you wouldn't believe. I had to take leave from work. Come to find out I have stage 4 marsh Celiac disease. That was found and diagnosed by the doctors last month. And two weeks ago I researched my symptoms with my eyes and skin...knew right away I had demodex mites. Told my doctor and then it was confirmed by him. He thinks I got it from work, and that those patients didn't have scabies...idk...who knows.'im just so anxious to go back in a few weeks