Health Fair project ideas and suggestions


A fellow classmate and I have been assigned a topic to present at a LTC facility. We are required to set up a booth/station with a poster describing our topic. We are allowed to have fliers, samples, demonstrations, music playing, and other things to make our station interesting to the patients that decide to come.

The topic we have been assigned is "Fingernail/Toenail Health". My fellow classmate and I want our booth to be popular with the patients. The only ideas we have came up with so far is to make and display a poster with pictures of healthy nails compared to unhealthy nails. Have hand outs about the importance of nutrition/stress in regard to nail health. We also thought about having free samples of soft, pliable nail files, with the proper information on filing and clipping nails. We also thought it would be neat to offer free nail painting for our geriatric women patients, but we were unable to come up with an idea for the male patients. We've also thought of having lotions and hand massages but were unsure if that would be relevant to our nail health topic.

We want this to be a fun experience for the LTC residents and for ourselves as well. Does anyone have any neat ideas? Do the things I have mentioned sound like a good start? :)

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