Published Feb 8, 2006
HisTreasure, BSN, RN
748 Posts
I am interested in private duty. Actually, I would prefer to do home health for a couple different clients, but I don't know what to do to get started. I've searched these forums from back to front and I have specifically perused the Home Health and Nurse Entreprenuer forums. In NYS I know it is an acceptable practice to do private duty and have multiple clients getting Medicaid reimbursement, but I don't know about the documentation requirements, etc. I have also read and re-read the NYS Medicaid Program Nursing Services booklet regarding billing and it says that Medicaid is the last biller and one must bill Medicare or private insurance first. However, I am under the impression that Medicare will not give a provider number to an independent. Can someone verify this? Are there any IPs out there who can lead me on the right path? I am not ready to start taking on clients right now, but I would like to get my ducks in a row, my paperwork situated, and my laptop set up with any additional software, etc. I will need to be successful. Thanks in advance.
BTW, I have an aunt who has done private duty nursing for a while and was quite successful but left due to burn out and hours of paperwork and billing she had to do on top of providing care. She was not the best resource in regards to getting started, but she did give a realistic spin to the negative side of being an IP. Any success stories one wishes to share would be nice, as well.
76 Posts
Thank you so much for replying. The thread is actually 3 years old. I've been doing independent nursing for years now. Hopefully a new nurse will happen upon this thread as you posted some really useful information.