Has anyone heard of Dr. Denmark- the 100+ Georgia Dr.?

U.S.A. Georgia


Has anyone heard of the 100+ year old Dr. Denmark in Georgia? She has published a book about child raising. I'm dealing with a situation right now with a child who has been raised according to Dr. Denmark's teachings. He is 19 months old, is at the 3rd percentile on the growth chart, and has only gained 10 lbs since he was born. Since he has no other health problems, I'm concerned that the "Dr. Denmark diet" might be the problem. Dr. Denmark recommends weaning babies at 6 or 7 months (completely off the breast or bottle) and feeding them a diet of pureed fruits, vegetables, and lean meat. The main problem I see with the diet is that it contains very little fat, calcium, and vitamin D. I would be interested in any info/opinions anyone has. Thanks!

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