Has anyone else had these problems with their UTlink?


Hello to everyone! I'm new on this thing, and since browsing through this website, I wanted to ask a question of my own that I really need some advice on!

I'm applying to the UT school of nursing at Houston for Spring 2011 admission, and on my UTlink, I noticed that on the TSI section, it says "Not Received" ......however, on my transcript, which they have received, there is a section showing that I am TSI complete with all my scores and such. Has this happened to anyone else?

Also - another thing..on the Transcript section on UTlink, it says "Not Received" also, but on the bottom of the page you can see both schools I have attended with my GPA and everything. Near the school I am currently attending, it reads "Trans has in-prog courses".....so should I ignore the "Not Received"? :uhoh3:

The deadline is Sep. 1 and I really need to figure all of this out!! Any advice would be much appreciated!

Specializes in ICU.

Call the admissions office and ask.

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