Published Oct 9, 2007
Rage, RN
109 Posts
Hello All,
Next July I'll be a new grad BSN nurse looking for a job. Since I'll be moving to Seattle I was wondering what you think the chances of a BSN nurse with 6 months experience as a nurse tech in a level 1 trauma center would be. Let's say on a pain scale of 1 to 10 .............
Also I'm thinking about getting a convertible, doesn't anyone on this forum have one and live in Seattle? If so any problems in the winter time?
ericalynn, BSN, RN
50 Posts
considering that it rains here 9 out of the 12 months of the year, I don't know that a convertible is the best bet;), but you can do the cost-benefit yourself. As far as your other question goes I have no answer for you but best of luck!!
sounds like a hard top then.........thanks erica
25 Posts
Hi! I have never worked at Harborview, but since I am in the process of relocating to the Seattle area, I thought I would give you at least some feedback. My personal experience is that my daughter was in a life-threatening car accident a couple of months ago, and she said the care she got there was excellent....everyone did a great job and were patient-friendly. I actually spoke to a manager there about 6 months ago re. a job, and she was very anxious that if I were to return to the ER after a year or so absence that I should start in an area where I would not be overwhelmed. Then, of course, I hadn't been interviewed yet. But they are reasonable folks and don't want to lose employees, so I thought I'd share that. I'm new to the area and have been a little taken aback about how cautious employers are about hiring people out of the area. THey are invested in keeping employees long term and really want to investigate your background. That's not entirely a bad thing, but I was very dejected after going on 4 job interviews and feeling like the new kid in school around the panel. So, don't be discouraged, it's not you - it's just a different environment.
Now, re. the convertible....hmmm, there is so much rain and moisture here and a high potential for mold to be careful. Also, from years in trauma, I just think about a rollover accident and more protection....but do what you've gotta do to make yourself feel good. We're on a short ride on this planet!
Thank you cmc for the insight. Since I'm 52 I think that most employers will see that I'm not a real risk. But I've been wrong before. Plus I bring to the table a ton of management experience from another job I retired early from. Since going back to school I made the honor society and plan to have 6 months of experience at a level 1 trauma center under my belt. Granted thats not a lot of time, but I'm hoping some counts better than none.
As far as the convertible...........well I'll have to talk to my girlfriend and see what she thinks, but I'm really not into the whole mold thing myself
Thanks for your thoughts and taking the time to respond.
P.S. my best wishes for you, and your daughter's speedy recovery