Published Sep 21, 2004
Mister Chris, MSN, NP
182 Posts
from our local news paper 9th september 2004 queensland.
"as a registered nurse who has worked in the aged care industry for 30 years, i can assure readers there has been a great improvement in residential aged care over the years. i have worked in six facilities, some privately owned and some church owned, in nsw and qld. residents in all the facilities received excellent care and service. meals were all of a high standard.
it is a fact that elderly people frequently complain about food and often without good reason. research has shown that the complaint is not realy about the quality, quantity or variety of food, it is about the losses and fear of losing control. by focusing on food, the elderly person feels he or she is maintaining some control.
many residents have a better lifestyle than they did when they were at home. yes, there are times when they cannot have everything they want, but neither can you or i.
staff of aged care facilities are a unique group of dedicated people who do a wonderful job, striving everyday, to meet the needs of each resident. they face many challenges that were not present 10 years ago. they are subjected at times to physically and verbally aggressive behaviour from residents and relatives.
why do they do such a job. because of their love for elderly people. my fear is that if the negative publicity about aged care continues, staff will leave the industry and we will be in trouble. i am at an age when retirement could be an option. i am extremely passionate about what i do, and have the greatest respect for the residents under my care and the staff who look after them. for that reason i am going to continue working, fighting the fight, in an effort to enhance the image of aged care.
this is a great industry and we do a great job.
paula blain, bethania."
thanks paula for the publication, i'm in there with you all the way.
mister chris.