Graduation Gifts.......

Nursing Students General Students


Specializes in Telemetry.

Hello fellow nurses to be.......

I am preparing for my graduation/pinning ceremony next week and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as a little momento for a few of my classmates who I grew rather close to. As tough as this whole process has been I could not have done it without my friends from nursing class. When I think back it was often times their support that got me through the tough times. They understood a little bit more then anyone else in my life could. I was thinking of a nice book or something like CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE NURES SOUL with a nice message written in the cover, but I have already done that for my teachers so I was looking for some orginal ideas. Any hints would be great! Thanks!!!!


I know how you feel, my classmates are like a second family. Something we did in high school, that i may do now is give them all an invitation and on the inside write down a date and a place to meet 6 months, 1 year, ect..from the date you graduated and when you meet that time, make another invitation to meet the next year,,,it's definately a good way to stay in touch with each other

Hello fellow nurses to be.......

I am preparing for my graduation/pinning ceremony next week and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as a little momento for a few of my classmates who I grew rather close to. As tough as this whole process has been I could not have done it without my friends from nursing class. When I think back it was often times their support that got me through the tough times. They understood a little bit more then anyone else in my life could. I was thinking of a nice book or something like CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE NURES SOUL with a nice message written in the cover, but I have already done that for my teachers so I was looking for some orginal ideas. Any hints would be great! Thanks!!!!


Specializes in orthopaedics, perioperative.

How about getting one of those zoppini charms engraved with the school name and the nursing diploma/degree initials or the year or something like that? :)

Specializes in ER, Peds, Charge RN.

I made beaded lanyards for each of my friends with their first name, RN, BSN on them, in school colors. I'm not sure if they'll be allowed where they work, but it's handmade and a nice gift. Be prepared if you do it-- takes a lot of time!

Specializes in LTC, med-surg, critial care.

I've only made two close friends in nursing school. One is getting the scrubs she's been dying for but has no reason to buy (she didn't work in a hospital setting during school). I found out from her sister what size she wears so that was easy. The other one...I still have no clue what I'm getting her. She has everything she wants.

I'll also be giving both of them flowers at graduation.

I like the lanyard idea... 'course I'm a sucker for handmade gifts! Love them!

If you're super-creative, you could come up with a little poem or something and have it personalized & framed.

Or a custom t-shirt or hoodie? c/o 2005 with your names and stuff? I think you can do that pretty cheap at That would be fun... kinda like your own little "sorrority" type shirt!

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