Graduated from undergrad with a 3.0-- Need advice!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi everyone,

I recently graduated from a Big 10 university with a 3.0 GPA undergrad. I know that that is not an impressive GPA at all, however my extracurriculars are very impressive and somehow align with nursing though I studied something completely unrelated in college. I am currently at NYU taking 4 pre-requisites to apply to nursing school. I am looking for ABSN or any sort of Second-Degree programs that may weigh less heavily on the number of my GPA and more heavily on what I did outside of the classroom as well as my essay. Having a LOT of anxiety over this, so kindness but honesty would be very appreciated ?


I think it depends on your extracurricular activities. What extracurricular activities do you have? And, do they align with something in the health field (I think those tend to help the most)?

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