Published Mar 14, 2020
1 Post
Hello first time here and hoping to eventually go to CRNA school. I tried researching the posts for any grading scales for CRNA school but haven't found anything helpful. I know they are all different scales but most seem to have high cut offs before it's considering failing. I'm hoping current CRNA students can talk about their experiences about making sure they were passing their tests and the stress of it all. I feel like it could give me some sense of the rigor of it all. Was it anymore different than nursing school? Thank you for your time in reading this!
120 Posts
It is a lot different than nursing school. There is more material in a shorter amount of time and you have to know it more in depth. Our grading scale is A: 93-100, B: 85-92. You are only allowed to get one C the entire curriculum - class grade, not individual test grades.
It is stressful. It is a serious commitment. I estimate I spend at least 60 hours a week on school, sometimes more.
saveitICU, CRNA
23 Posts
My program had a 10 point grading scale. 79.5-89.4 was a B, 89.5 and up was an A. One C was allowed the whole program. The rigor of programs, both didactically and clinically, is high given the profession you're going into.
8 Posts
80> = B, >90 =A, if we make a 79 we're out and have to reapply the following year.