Published Jul 26, 2016
Turtle in scrubs
216 Posts
Hi everyone. I'm looking for some recommendations of a good moisturizer for regular to dry legs to be used under compression wraps, and total contact casts. I'm looking to moisturize while avoiding maceration. Any ideas?
47 Posts
In our clinic we use Remedy lotion (a Medline product) to intact skin on the leg. We use a moisture barrier cream to the periwound. So far good results with no maceration.
ETA: if they have really dry, scaly skin on the ankles and heels we also use Urea 5% cream.
Eagle2110, ASN, BSN, APRN
113 Posts
A&D ointment and/or hydrophor is regularly used in our clinic.
2 Posts
I currently work in rehab and get a lot of postop, chf, cellulitis, lympedema pts ETC...... For pitting edema without open wounds we will: Apply Aquaphor Oint (really thick Oint that usually comes in a tub) to intact skin, wrap with 1 layer Kerlix gauze roll (this helps keep Acewraps clean from Oint getting on them) then secure with Acewraps from toes to knees. For pts with an open area..... There is usually a special Oint/treatment for the open area and then we will put the Aquaphor Oint around the open area and wrap the same: Kerlix and Acewraps.