Going for Nursing, BMCC, City Tech, Mom of five

This article is about my life starting college. A mother of five and getting into the BMCC Nursing Program. Advice on BMCC Nursing Program and how to study. HESI Test, and City Tech. Back to my first Semester, I got three A's and one A- in English. Dean list, honor society, I Was Happy! Ended December 23, 2012.

Going for Nursing, BMCC, City Tech, Mom of five

I am a current Nursing student at Borough of Manhattan Community College. I live in Brooklyn, NY. I was a stay at home mother for 4 years with 4 children before I decided to go to college. My children grandmother and their father have to fill in the role I could no longer fulfill. I took free classes at Brooklyn Education Opportunity Center to prepare for the compass test in October 2012. During the math class, I found out I was pregnant. I decide to keep going to school. After the math class was over, I when to City Tech to take the Math compass test, I passed. That took 2 months. Right after that, the reading and writing class started at BEOC. I return to City Tech again to take the reading and writing portion. I did not pass the writing portion, but I passed the reading. That took three months.

I decided that I will take remedial writing for the fall semester so I asked the counselor at BEOC if they help a student with filling out the form for college, he told me the one in Manhattan does. I when to the MEOC at seven months pregnant to fill out my college form, the lady was so helpful she told me what to say yes and no to. She told me to click yes for programs I could quantify for. She said they may be able to help me with book money and tutoring. I listed City Tech as my first choose BMCC as my second, and Kings Borough as my third.

In June 2012 I got an acceptance letter from BMCC. A week later another came for BMCC tell me about their summer immersion program and that I have to be there in 3 days to sign up for a free class which will allow me to take the test again. I was very pregnant and I calculated that my due date is a week after the program will end. My children are usually 2 weeks overdue so I decided to go for it.

I started writing class a week later and had a meeting with my family asking them for help with the home and kids. They all keep asking me why I could not wait, and all I could say is I can't. The class was great. The professor taught us what the test is about and how to think like writers. In the middle of the class, we were given a chance to take the test, half of the class pass and half did not. I did not pass. The professor reviewed questions with us and gave a practice test. My problem with the writing test was the timing. I had to sit at the Professor desk because of my belly being so big and I could not see the clock. I was not finished with my essay and time was up. At the end of the class, we took the test again with a different. I had on my own watch and I keep track of time by timing each paragraph. I Passed! I could start college with no remedial to worry about. I was overdue and my doctor made an appointment for me to go into labor and delivery after Orientation to be induced.

My orientation was a week later. After orientation, I took my self out to celebrate getting into college and to be ready for a new baby. I call the father and told him I am ready to go to the hospital now it was 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I waited for a bed until 3 am the night at Brooklyn Hospital and I could not eat a thing. They put the medicine in and by 6 am I started having contractions. My doctor works on the floor that morning so at 8:30 am my baby girl was born on 8/7/12. I spent the happiest two weeks I could with my newborn and all my children because I knew on 8/27/12 college was starting for me.

My first semester I had Math 104(Nursing Math), Psychology 100, Speech 100, and English 101(the same Professor from the summer). Nursing math was tough I fail my first test and after that, I when into tutoring. By the way, FASA paid for everything and I got into College Discovery which gives me $300.00 for books and they offered me the tutoring. I did my homework at school, I put the kids clothing out the night before, the same for dinner, and I left a note for their father to read to them. I had a baby bed that you could put in your bed so, the baby slaps in my bed and I woke up at night to care for her. In October Pell send the rest of your money to the college and the college gives back the amount that is left. I did not get my money. I found out that the rest of my money was sent to King's borough because King's borough changed the code saying I am a student there. I got my money in December but please make sure your backup school does not change your code.

If you are a Nursing Student at BMCC and you have UDH as your major you have to be advised by the Nursing Department, not by your Counselor or the other Departments. NO one told me this. You have to know the date of early registration because you have to see the Nursing Department for advisement a month before this date. You need to go to the nursing Department to make an appointment for advisement. Ones you have had your appointment then you can registrar for classes online. Early registration is very important for the Sciences they fill up fast. You have to be the registrar for those classes before your first semester. If chemistry is open when you registrar your first semester TAKE IT. If you do not take Chemistry your first semester, you cannot take Anatomy and Physiology 1 the next semester. If you take Anatomy and Physiology 1 your 3rd semester than you have to paid to take Anatomy and Physiology1 in summer 1 or wait for your 4th semester to take Anatomy and Physiology 2. This may take two years for some people, Do Not do this. Get Chemistry your first semester.

I was not aware of this. I did not have Chemistry my first semester and I cry thinking about how long it will take before I enter the Nursing Program. A tutor form the nursing program informs me that if you have problems go and speak to the department chair. Find out what time he/she is in and be there before they get there. I was there I talk to the chair of the Anatomy and Physiology class in the Science Department and she explained to me how hard it would be to take Anatomy and Physiology with Chemistry together with my other two classes. I told her I can do it and I will live in the building if I have to. She looked at me and then asked for my information. She approved. There were no classes open when this took place so I check every day until a Chemistry class was open on January 17, 2013. I got the Chemistry but I had to show the paper to the register office for them to register me for Anatomy and Physiology. I also added Developmental Physiology and the only one left was writing intensive and English 201.

Back to my first Semester, I got three A's and one A- in English. Dean list, honor society, I Was Happy! Ended December 23, 2012

My second semester was crazy, I had 14 credits. Begin January 27, 2013, I looked for bags that could hold my lunch, dinner, 4 big books, 3 reference books, 2 big notebooks, and a binder but no such bag existed. I bought a suitcase from Samsonite, it was perfect. Everything I needed fit in that bag. I left home at 9 am and came home at 12 am. The Learning Center has the BEST Science tutors. I study with other students and nap when my eyes could not stay open. I taught myself chemistry just by reading the book, the professor is a good man but he was not a great teacher. BMCC has a microwave which was great because I had not money to buy food every day. Whole Foods take food stamps which is where I went on days I had no readymade food from home. I knew the date is time for early registration so I made my appointment with the Nursing Department. I had all the prerequisite for Nursing so on my appointment I was told I could take the HESI test at the end of the semester. I requested a loan in the spring, I used the money to pay for Anatomy and Physiology 2 class in summer 1 and statistics in summer 2. The statistics will go towards my Bachelor's Degree. City Tech is where I will be going for my Bachelor.

I had one week after the semester was over to study for the HESI test. I got B in Development Psychology and Chemistry. I got B+ in English and A- in Anatomy Physiology. My second semester ended 5/23/2013

My children Grandmother had a death in the family. Her sister lost her husband while he was sleeping. I call her Mom because she is a mother to me. Mom had to step in and take care of her sister and with all that involves death. I had one day to study because of this. In the test I took the Anatomy and Physiology I got 78. I took the reading next I got 80 then I took the critical thinking next and got 880. Math was last. When I got to Math, the test was hard. I know I knew this but nothing was coming to me. I started to cry and just started choosing randomly. My Math was a 40. I knew I was not getting into the nursing program. I was told that Critical Thinking is not part of the grades for your entrance into the program. DO The Critical Thinking LAST. The Anatomy and Physiology potion is to the point, is either you know it or you don't. If English is your second language then you may need to study the reading potion more. If you do not remember 6 and 7 grade math you need to get a GED book for this. When I took the test again December 2013 I used my old Compass Math book, GED book, and Anatomy and Physiology, and HESI book. I spend one week on each subject eight hours a day. I bought a McGraw-Hill's HESI A2 practice tests book which has 3 full-length tests in it. At the end of the week, I took only that potion in the subject. When I was done with all my studying I took 2 full-length tests on two different days.

On 123/13 I sat for my test. I did Anatomy and Physiology first and I got 73. I got 78 in the reading and 90 in the math, 80% overall. I did not get to finish the Critical Thinking, time was up. I got my call on January 7, 2014, telling me that I made it into the nursing program.

Back to 5/23/2013

Anatomy and physiology 2 in Summer 1 was hard for me because I use books to study, my summer professor tough from his head. It was four days a week, three hours a day. There was no multiple choice, every answer needed to be written down and explain. I got an A-. Summer 2 Statistics was hard; I stayed in the math lab every day until it closed and until the college closed. I got a B+.

I decided to transfer to City Tech on August 15, 2013. I was scared to take the HESI again because if I mess-up it would be my last change. I took Sociology 100 B+, I/O Psychology B, and Nutrition B+. I did not study very hard at City Tech for these classes because I was studying for City Tech entrance test. Their Test is a lot harder for a person like me who had to take the compass three times before I could pass it. If you have been out of school for a long time this test cannot not be passed with a tutor or without sitting in a classroom a month before. It has chemistry, physic, grammar, biology, anatomy and physiology, math, and reading all roll-up in one test. I did not pass it, that is why I came Back to BMCC.

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The HESI test at BMCC has a calculator. It makes things a little easier when you have to add big numbers. I used the calculator in my final steps only, which helped me a lot. You cannot go back to see the question before. Know your weak point and study those parts of the HESI. I will be taking microbiology in summer 1 2014. It is needed before one can take nursing 3 at BMCC. This class will cost me $750.00 not including books.

My journeys to becoming a nurse begin after I received my call on January 7, 2014. I went to BMCC the next day to pick up a package with all the information. I need to sign up on the internet for nursing insurance which was $37.00. I did that right away. I needed CPR with AED, so I went online to American Heart Association to find a location. It cost $95.00 and it was an all-day class. I called my doctor office to make an Appointment. He needed to fill out the medical form and give me all the vaccines. I came to BMCC to buy my books in the book store. The BOX of books cost $354.00 + 3 more book outside the box which were on the require list added another $100 to my bill. At orientation we were given chapters that needed to be read before class started. The fitting was a week after orientation. The company came to the school and I tried on different sizes and told them what I wanted. They wrote down what I wanted and I will receive it in the mail in mid-February. $37 for tops and bottom, $59 for shoe, $50 for all the other little things, and $13 for shipping. It cost me $950.00 to start nursing. Have your money ready because you are going to need it when you get that call.

At BMCC nursing is 8 credits a semester. You will not get TAP. It is one nursing class a semester. I will end up at City Tech for my bachelor so I looked up their course work and saw an adviser there. I have added a class from my bachelor nursing elective onto my current nursing class, adding my current credit to 11 for this semester. I will do this every semester until I finish my nursing at BMCC. If you go to the TIPS website you can see what credits will transfers to your bachelor. I will have 21 credits towards my bachelor degree at City Tech before I even start. I know now to have $700.00 read before every semester start. I will try to write about nursing classes at BMCC but I cannot promise. Take care my friend, I wish you well in your plans for nursing at BMCC or anywhere else.

Your an inspiration.

Hello friends, I hope life has been treating you well. I started nursing 2 at BMCC on 8/28/14. Let me tell you about Nursing 1 at BMCC.

On orientation day for Nursing 1 I knew what Professor I wanted because I looked it up on Rate My Professor. I also wanted afternoon nursing because I could study late and wake up late. You pick your sessions by lottery in Nursing at BMCC. Afternoon had room by the time they call my number so Professor Clarke became my nursing 1 Professor. She is a good teacher and a great person who understand her students.

My first nursing class was hard because we when right into Nursing teaching. The words was strange to me. Everything was going over my head. I kept thinking I needed to get out this class and read more. The more the professor talk the scared I became. After class was over I ran out of class and while walking I ran into some of my classmate who all had the same look on their faces. I expressed to them the lost in my family and as I was talking tears started running down my face. They did not know me so all they could do was listen, which was good enough for me. I felt like a zombie the first two week of class. I kept hitting my head in class try to figure out how to get these information into my head. They were teaching us from the beginning like we are going to take the NCLEX soon. We did a lot of scenarios, select all that apply, and pictures question. I went to see the professor and to ask her how can I learn nursing. She told me nursing school is like Medical school no matter where you take it nursing school is going to be hard. She told me to leave home and read at least 2 hours a day. The Professor said that I am trying to do everything and I can’t. I have to make time for nursing so she told me to buy this book call SAUNDERS 2014-2015 STRATEGIES FOR TEST SUCCESS PASSING NURSING SCHOOL AND THE NCLEX EXAM. This book really helped me. I think all nursing student should read this before they start their nursing classes. Learning Nursing is like higher level thinking or looking at a problem from many different angles. My nursing grading was not changing, I spoke to one of my friend who is in the night nursing program, and she told me about a testing program for evolve, it call Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Potter Fundamentals of Nursing for $75.00 and the NCLEX for Adaptive Quizzing at $100.00 all from Evolve. The NCLEX was ok but not specific to Fundamental. The Fundamentals was great because it is based on each chapter in the book I was reading. I would read a chapter in the book, test myself with the question at the end of the chapter, listen to my recording of that lecture while adding notes to my slices. I also purchased the Kaplan two years in nursing school testing which was on sale for $100. I love the Kaplan because you can build your own test based on the topic the class is working on. I would test myself with the Evolve and Kaplan. Once I see improvement in my score I stop. Which tells me I understand the information. This process takes a day for each chapter. My test grade after doing this was 86.6 which was great!

My children grandfather passed away on 1/13/2014 seven days after I got my call for Nursing and five days after I went to the nursing home to tell him the good news. His death hurt a lot so I did not write about it before. He help me a lot with my science classes even though he could not physical see. The kids love going to him because he tough them nursery rhymes. He was a good grandpa. Two day after his funeral I started my first nursing class.

My children grandmother when to Trinidad for their grandfather memorial service two weeks into my semester. She took my 1 year old with her to alleviate some pressure of her father and me. Which left us with only 4 kids to worry about, they were all in school. I started cooking every other weekend. Once I baked a whole mushroom chicken, made a big pot of African soup called palm butter, and stew beef. All their dad had to do was cook rice, mash potato, or macaroni. Those food lasted for 1 1/2 weeks thinks to the fridge that freezes everything.

By the way Nursing 1 is writing intensive so if you took a writing intensive class before you still have to take this one. You have to do a research paper on a disease and journals writing. Each student goes to the nursing home and watch OT and PT in action and also gets to feed patients. At the end of the day we talk to each other about the experience and we have to write about it as one of our journals. There is a math test three weeks into nursing class. You have to login to the math site and take 10 math test with a 90% over all. There is no clinical the first month of nursing 1. During this month you have to attend a HIPAA class, get your flu shot, and your assigned hospital ID. The math test is like your math 104 final so study your math also before nursing start and hold on to your math 104 book. If you do not pass the first test than you are sent to tutoring for two week and retested again. You get 3 changes and after that they can drop you out of the nursing program. You are not allow to give medicine in the hospital until you pass the math test. You also have to go to the Lab and practice your clinical skills on three different days to get three different lab tech signatures. You can go as much as you want but do not forget to get your paper sign. The practicum is given in the lab to test the skill you learn in the lab and from your nursing video. Bed making, wound care, vital signs, transfer, patient identification, etc. If you do not passed the practicum you will have to practice three more time and ask for a retest on the skill you missed up on. You get a class group and a clinical, these are the classmates you will work with until the end of the semester. The hospital you get depend on the clinical Professor you have. They have online charting included in the clinical potion so you have to remember to do your charting. The assignment is email to you and it is graded my your clinical Professor. Remember your password from when your HESI test because Elsevier (evolve) is the company that BMCC uses for the Nursing needs. Your books, SIM chart, and Case Study are all done on the evolve website. Do your reading before you do your Case Studys. You do not get a grade for clinical, it is a passed or fail. You need to pass clinical to pass the course. Read a lot it really helps.

The clinical

I was assign to Bellevue Hospital because that is where my clinical professor was assign to. She was tough but very good. We meet at the front of the hospital at 7:45 and we when up together at 8 am. We had preconference in which we talk about diseases and how we can help our assigns patient. We did vital signs, bed bath, and learned a lot of new things. Being in the hospital environment made me felt happy. Watching nurses at work made me wonder if I will ever be like these nurse. They were fast, moving from patient to patient, and they had skills. Our clinical advisor even helped us with our class work after clinic.

The class

Professor Clarke uses slides and she is a great teacher. She when over the slides but she really teaches from her knowledge. Try not to interrupt her, wait until she ask do you have any question. Write down your question while she is talking. You can record her lectures which help a lot for reviews. You have to read before class because she gives pretest and posttests. She gears her teaching base on the personality of her class. She said our class was a toughies feely class so we did a lot of hands on work.

My schedule was clinical on Tuesdays at 8 am to 5:00, Wednesdays African Studies at 5:30 to 8:30, Thursday 1pm to 5pm, Friday 1pm- 5pm,

I usually come to school at 10 am, read for 2 hours, go to lunch, and then class. When I get home I put out the kids clothing for school, wash the dishes, and throw out the garbage. I fall asleep at 2 am most night. My body feel so heavy in the morning. On Mondays I get to sleep late. I am in school at 12 pm and ready for tutoring at 1 pm in the nursing lab. Tutoring was great, Liz the tutors make nursing comes of the paper. I find myself thinking will I ever be able to talk and explain nursing the way she does? I got home at 9 pm on Monday nights to get ready for my clinical which was at 8 am on Tuesday morning. I do not usually get in the bed until 12 am on Mondays. Clinical was great, I would look around and say “wow I am here, this is really

Nursing”. I took my nursing book and my dinner with me because I came to the school after clinical for studying time. Most of the time I was so tried I could barely keep my eyes open. On Wednesday I did my African Studies class homework and read my African studies book from 10 am to 5pm in the quite study. At 5 pm I walk over to Fitterman for my African Studies class which starts at 5:30. After this three hours class is over I usually go home. I use is time to put my kids to sleep. On Thursday I come to quite study at 11 am and read for two hours and then go off to class for 1 pm. After class I came back to quite study and read until 12 am. Home again and back to bed at 2 am again. Fridays I when for tutoring with Liz from 5-8. When back to quite study after tutoring and home at 12 am. I needed more reading time because I am such a slow reader so I started going to quite study on the weekends. I can never study at home, too many kids wanting my attention. They open at 10:30 am and close at 10 pm. I miss going to church on Sundays and dressing my kids up. I do not have weekends anymore. I do not get to see much of my kids or friends. My home is not as clean as it used to be. The kid’s room is not as clean as I would like it to be, and the laundry grows out of control that I have to stop every three weekend and take care of my home.

My 1 year old and her grandmother came home from Trinidad at the end of my nursing 1 semester. I missed her so much, I must have kissed he like a 100 times. I earned a grade of B- for nursing 1, I worked for that grade and A- in African Studies. 2 weeks later I started Microbiology and political science in summer 1 2014. It was hard, I do not know what I was thinking trying to do those 2 classes 3 hours a day, four day a week for 6 weeks, but I did it. I got B in Microbiology and B+ in political science. 1 week after summer 1 was over it was time for me to move. It took 6 week to unpack and get our life back in order. I love our new space. I took the kids out to different places for 1 week and I did things just for me for 1 week. My mental need it. For nursing 2 I lucked out and got a morning class. Nursing 2 at BMCC is splice into two session. My 1st session is Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing which is 6 weeks and 2nd session is Obstetrical Maternal-Newborn for 6 weeks. Both Professor grade us for our final grade. My class is on Mondays and Tuesdays 9am to 1 pm. Clinical is Thursdays 8am to 4pm and at 5:30pm I will be going to English short story writing which will be my last elective for my bachelor degree. My first class on 8/28/14 was great but by the end of the day I felt sick. My head hurt, I felt dizzy, and very cold. I came home and got into the bed. The next morning I went to the emergency. I had a sore throat with 102 fever, plus of 105 and blood pressure of 100/67. Turns out I had contracted bacterial Pharyngitis. I got three shot, one for fever, a steroid to open my throat, and penicillin. My vitals was back to normal in two hours. I still felt weak so I took of doing any school work for two days, but I took this time to write you.

I hope this helps you with Information about the best Nursing School, BMCC.

i wanted to know i got a c+ in chemistry 121 is that an issue is that a key course that they will look at