Going back to nursing school with non-nursing bachelor degree


Hi, this is my first time on Allnurses.com and I am happy to be a member of this amazing group of people with one dream and passion.

Let me introduce myself before I ask few questions and advices from you all who are the experts of nursing career and education.

I'm an international student and I once majored in nursing for two years. I did pretty great on my first year of pre-nursing track with anatomy and physiology, because I was so into how the body and our body systems work in a holisric way with clear answers for the test questions. I'm usually a deep learnear that being said I'm not that a practical person, since I failed my Foundation of Nursing course on my second year. I did get my extended time for that course, but I wasn't be able to go through what are the best answer choice among the right answeers. I'm guessing when I was in that age, I was insecure about my English profecoency and not practical, since I was the type of learner who just read and understand the concepts not applying to real life situations, which nursing schools are not like that.

So I decided to study in psychology but mental health, so I switched my major. Then I graduated my undergraduate in health science instead to pursue my career in clinical psychologist especially psychological trauma; I even had a huge international poster on trauma and culture. It seems like a good way to walk to the clinical trauma psychologist.

But then all at sudden, someone that I know who is a dean of nursing school around where I'm right now recommended me to go back to nursing to become a psychiatry-menta health nurse instead of a clinical psychologist because it takes longer and harder to get there. Since I like metal health field and had some background in trauma, I want to be more practical for my career path and my passion in mental health.

So I'm looking into accelerated nursing program that takes 2 years not like 12 months, which I know I will be nervous and stressed out all the time for that tight schedule. I found an accelerated BSN 2 years program and would like to know what you all think about my decision and how would I be able to survive in nursing school again.

I know I'm a bit more confident and emotionally happy and healthy now.

Please give me sincere advices and I would like to appreciate all of your responses in advance.

P.S In addition to your responses and advises, please also recommend me some 2 years accelerated BSN program.

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