should i go for the lpn?


So I need some advice..I started out in an RN program in 2009. I made it to the second semester and flunked out. I had alot going on in my personal life that was causing me not to focus or do well. Since then I decided to leave nursing and pursue an EMT certification. Ive been doing this now and working for a couple months but I know that I cant keep doing this forever. Im only 5 ft and 115lbs its hard for me to lift most pts and im worried about a back injury long term. Plus I always saw myself working in a hospital not on an ambulance my whole life. Things in my personal life have got much better my brother finally made it home from iraq and I got a new bf who is a paramedic so we have alot in common. I bring pts in the ER all the time and I find myself watching the nurses and really beating myself up about everything that happened. The truth is I felt extremely overwhelmed in nursing school. I was in a BSN program where we were taking 7-8 classes and going to clinicals. I had alot of test anxiety and anxiety during clinicals such as shaking while I put on sterile gloves, mind would go blank and I couldnt remember how to do a foley catheter. I always felt like an idiot. Teachers would get mad at me and I would usually go home and cry everyday. I really wanted to be a nurse though so I dont understand why it was so difficult. I went into nursing school with a 3.7 gpa. I was a biology major and had just completed 2 years before I decided on nursing. Ive kinda blocked myself away from the whole nursing thing and tried looking into other options. I applied to respiratory therapy school cuz as an EMT we deal with breathing and airway and I found that interesting but the more I go to the ER these days I wonder why everything got so messed up and why I couldnt just become an ER nurse like I had wanted. Ive looked into going back to school for my RN but since im not allowed back at my previous school since i failed 3 classes i cant transfer to another RN program. Ive been accepted to start RT school in the fall but i just keep thinking about nursing I dont know why but from everything that happened it brought my confidence down. I feel like a complete failure and Im afraid no matter what I do im gonna fail now. Im scared to fail RT school and the only way I can do RN again is if I start all over and not from where I started lower than that and do an lpn program and then bridge. Im worried if id be wasting time an lpn school I would start in aug and finish around nov. of next year. Im worried about the job market i feel like there are no jobs anymore for lpns but ive also heard that the RT field is saturated so no one can find jobs there either w/o prior experience. Any advice do you think its stupid to do lpn after everything ive been through?

It depends on the job market in your area. There are not many hospitals or clinics that hire LPN's. In my area, they will hire a medical assistant before they hire an LPN. I was very fortunate and love LTC, I was hired one month after I passed the NCLEX. Look at what is offered in your area, and then do what your heart desires. Please don't think of yourself as a failure, NS is extremely time consuming and demanding. With your experience as an EMT and your determination you can do this and succeed. If a Medical Assistant program is offered look into that, in WI it is a one year course. You may even have many of the pre-req's done. Good Luck

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