Getting Ready for Interview


Specializes in Med/Surg.

I will be graduating with my ADN in December and I think I have found the place I really want to work! Several recruiters came to our college and I've applied to two; submitted all my documentation; and had my clinical instructors forward their recommendations. I completed a phone interview (psych profile) for my #1 fav and apparently passed.

Now, I should have an in-person interveiw in a couple of weeks. Does anyone have some good advice? I have a good work history, but none of it is in healthcare. (I've been a small business owner, clerical worker, manufacturing/construction, and worked in my present job for the last 4 years and my present salary is about the same as the starting GN pay at my #2 fav hospital.) I have a Bachelor's in Buisness Administration, but fully expect to start working on my BSN within the next year.

Question: Are recruiters and nurse managers hiring on personality? work experience? test scores? ... are there key-words that are good to use or to avoid? :uhoh3:

I know I sound like a nervous-nellie, but I've invested so much time, effort, money, and made a lot of sacrifices over the last 2+ years that I'm getting really anxious!!!

Any help PLEASE!!!

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