Published Oct 15, 2015
1 Post
Dear Stroke Nurses!
I'm a german nurse currently studying for my bachelors degree. For a presentation about Stroke Nurses (and international differences) at the end of October, I need some informations about the education and work fields of registered Stroke Nurses. Hereby I would kindly ask for some volunteers to answer me 10 questions. So if you would do me that favor, I'd appreciate if you just answer this questionnaire. Thanks in advance, Hannah
1.How long have you been working as a Stroke Nurse?
2.What was your advanced training to become a Stroke Nurse?
3.How did you finance your education?
4.What were the main topics of your stroke nurse program?
5.What are the different work areas for your field of work compared to a normal Clinical Registered Nurse?
6.Do your feel that your field of work has a lot of physicians related work components?
7. Were do you see challenges in your line of work as a stroke nurse?
8.Do you know of any international differences between your advanced education as a stroke nurse to other countries?
9.Would you change anything about the program you participated in to achieve your advanced degree?
10.Would you change anything about your tasks in your work field as a stroke
468 Posts
Hi Hannah.You may not get the best response with this question on the forum. Many of us, over the years, have had students coming onto the site for the purpose of trying to get their homework done. While I appreciate where you're coming from - particularly in hoping to find international differences - you have no way of verifying whether or not the answers you are receiving are even coming from Registered Nurses. There are also LPN's, EMT's, CNA's, and pre-nursing students on this site. As well as people who just lurk around and have nothing at all to do with nursing, even if they're supposed to. Have you tried contacting hospitals in your local community? There are also organizations that can put you in touch with cardiovascular nurses who may be better able to help you. I would suggest that would be the way to go about doing things, but you may not have that much luck with your assignment due in - what I presume - is only 2 weeks. Best of luck.