Georgetown CRNA

Nursing Students SRNA

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Hi all, does anyone go to Georgetown/interviewed? I have an interview scheduled and was wondering how it is? Clinical questions? Emotional intelligence questions?? Thanks! 

I interviewed last week. Still waiting to hear back. How long after your interview did you hear?

Next day unofficially...( You will get automated email from the Grad school asking you to send in final transcripts as an admitted student). Officially 3 days after.

Oh guess I didn’t get in then. Thanks for the info! 

everyone's going to be different. We were first to interview and got a whole month to accept offer. it's a rolling admission so if some of us decline offers, more spots keep getting available. Everyone always has a chance until they are officially told otherwise.

Oh okay thanks makes me feel better! They said we will find out between 1-2 weeks. Feeling hopeful! 

Same here. Interviewed on Nov 3rd. Hopefully we hear something back soon. 

Did they say a time frame of when you’ll hear back? 

18 hours ago, loouxoxo69 said:

Did they say a time frame of when you’ll hear back? 

No, the email from the program director said soon. That was on the 4th. A friend who got accepted took 2 weeks from the interview date to hear back and he's going to decline his acceptance soon since he got into his first choice. So seems like a lot of shuffling is going on. 

The email I got from the director said soon as well. It’ll be two weeks tomorrow from my interview date. Hopefully I’ll hear then. 

Just now, loouxoxo69 said:

The email I got from the director said soon as well. It’ll be two weeks tomorrow from my interview date. Hopefully I’ll hear then. 

Wishing you do hear back from them soon and it's great news. Georgetown is such an amazing school. They left a big smile on my face. 

Specializes in MICU/CCU.

Same tomorrow will be two weeks for me.  Hopefully we here back so I can finally stop checking my email so frequently!

Same here! I really want to find out!!

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