Nursing School Blues??

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You know how there is post pardum depression and pre mestrual mood swings.... can there be such a thing as Nursing School Depression??

Well if there is such a thing, I must be going through it!

I'm on my second semester of the ASN program, I get high 80's and low 90's on my exams and I haven't had no problems in clinicals so far.... I know I'm a good student but lately I've been self doubting myself, wondering if I would ever be a good nurse. I've lost my motivation to study as much as I used to. I always have a headache and I'm soooo tired all the time. I know Nurising School is rough and I expected it to be hard work so why am I feeling so down and self doubting myself?

I just got a job as a nurse tech and my first day I messed up on all the blood pressures, the tech that was training me just gave me a wierd look. I don't know why I was off on the blood pressures, I know how to take BPs but I kept messing up.... I felt like an idiot because I should have been able to take all the vital's, that's was one of the first things we learned in school. That experience did not help my mood at all!

Has anyone ever gone through something like this??

i came to our area today, despite the slight difficulties I told myself I can do it

Count me in as well. I have a little over 8 months left of school until I graduate & just recently, I feel like I know absolutely nothing. Feeling that way doesn't help with anything, I just got sad and really doubted myself. About once a semester I have a break down and cry. It's a common feeling in school. It doesnt help when you learn so many skills in class, but have limited opprotunities to practice them in clinical.

I'm glad this thread is here. I was so bummed out my first semester of nursing school. I made good grades and did okay in clinical, but it was sooo stressful. Toward the end of the semester my housework was going down the tubes and I couldn't even cook anymore. I had so little time with my two boys that I just didn't have the energy for anything besides them and school. And I still had to work every weekend. It was awful and I didn't feel like myself.

I'm so worried about this next semester. I'm going to be working 30 hours a week and I'm scared it's going to be too much. The semester's only 3.5 months long, so I just keep telling myself it's only for a few months and then I get a break. I just wish that I didn't have to work while I was doing this.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Specializes in GYN/GON/Med-Surg/Oncology/Tele.

I've yet to start Nursing School...I'll start my first semester August 17th. I'm both excited and nervous. I was such a pessimist when it came to being accepted and now that I've been accepted, I'm pessimistic that I'll mess things up. I'm a huge procrastinator and I think that I may have ADD. I don't want to become dependent on any drugs but somethings gotta give. I can't expect to make good grades by waiting until the last minute and although cramming has gotten me this far I seriously doubt it's going to take me places in the nursing program. Especially considering the type of information I'm definitely going to need to retain. Basically I need a study buddy and someone to push me when I feel like giving up because I just know that I will someday be overwhelmed with the amount of information I'm to learn on a day to day basis.

Good luck everyone!

Specializes in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, LTC.
Thanks everyone for reassuring me!:rolleyes: :flowersfo

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who feels like crying :crying2: through nursing school!

I have to go to work this Friday, my second day as a Nurse Tech and I'm nervous about taking Blood Pressure and being off on the numbers again:uhoh21:.

I'm definately looking forward to that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow when I graduate and become a :nurse: !

Practice on family and friends if you can. In my school we practice on each other all the time. We practice on the instructors as well using the double stethoscope. Its a great way to get perfect fast!

Tomorrow will be my first rle day for delivery room... good luck for me, hope I won't be absent intentionally as what I did with the Nursery Area

Hello, I thought that I was the only one that felt this way. I am actually crying right now replying to this post. I wish that I saw this earlier cuz I can see that the last post was in 2008!! I have only 1 more year of a BSN program. I have been feeling overwhelmed every semester. I only have 1 class because I took most of my pre reqs but I am still struggling with my classes. I buy extra books for the classes, I read, and read, and read, and do practice questions all the time. I have been doing well in all of my classes but now that I am in my final year, I have been struggling. I dropped a class and I am in the verge of dropping the one I am in now. I am doubting everything that I am doing. I just want to NOT be so sad!!!!


Nursing school was one of the hardest things I've done in my life. I made good grades, but always felt like I had to know everything. Well....I still don't know everything after three yrs of nursing, especially since I do home care and am on my own. So, things get forgotten when not used often, so you just look it up!

Anyways, you're almost done...hang in there.



I too am so relieved to read this post and the replies! I feel like a bumbling idiot sometimes but at other times feel completely efficient. I am in my second to last semester in a ARN program. The past year has been full of emotional outbreaks, constantly feeling stressed and a whole lot of studying and practicing of skills. I have given up trying to keep dates with my boyfriend and girlfriends, they don't always understand but I remind them that this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do and that yes, this too shall pass!! When I doubt myself as of late I repeat a simple mantra: I will be a great nurse. Thanks for your honesty in your post!! (And thanks for letting me vent:)!) Yes, you can do it!!!

I feel the same way. I am in my 3rd semester, and I feel like I don't know anything. I like my psych clinical, but critical care SCARES me so badly. I feel like I'm going to be a horrible nurse and make mistakes that kill my patients. :crying2: The ONLY thing that keeps me from dropping out is that I felt the same way when I was in CNA school (in high school) and I ended up loving the job and being the employee of the year. Thanks everyone for letting me know I'm not the only one! And good luck!

Hi guys I'm feeling the same thing. I'm glad I'm not the only one. :( It's my first day of clinical last Tuesday and boy do I hate the feeling of being clueless lol But I guess it is normal to feel that way. Thanks for the encouragement. God Bless you all and I will try my best to keep moving forward!!!

I think nursing school does that to all of us. I'm a guy, and I generally don't tend to be overly emotional, but the other day all the stress that I hadn't been feeling hit me, and I started worrying about everything. I worried about what would happen if I didn't make an A, to which the answer is nothing, everything would be fine. I worried about all the projects I have due, all the skills I'm going to have to do in clinical beginning next week, all the studying I need to do for the next test, my drug cards, everything. I spent the entire day just feeling an odd sense of dread and stress. By the next day, the feelings had passed and I was okay. I'm one of those students who feels like he has to know everything for the tests, and I tend to overstudy so much that it isn't even funny. I studied for four days, and slept a total of six hours in those four days, leading up to the test. I made a 94 and didn't have to know half of the material I covered. As for your feelings, I think they will pass in a day or two. Right now things look dark and grim, nothing seems to be going your way, and you feel hopeless. Give it a few days or a week, and I think you will feel a lot better. I think nursing is so stressful that sometimes we all get overcome with the feelings. I hope things get better for you, and I really feel like they will.

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