Had a lousy day!!

Nursing Students General Students


Hi all,

Didn't have a great day today at clinicals....new clinical rotation, only been on the floor twice....accelerated program, been going since last may... straight....new computerized med system, pt had 26 meds to research on, pt npo, had to admin. solu-medrol IV. we were told to look up iv meds in iv med book,,,,,there are many ways... you can push or add to bag...my instructor asked me how I was going to give, i told her i didn't know which way they wanted me to give it but had my book...she told me I should have been ready! then questioned neurontin (generic form) I asked her if i could look at my reference paper on the meds and she said no...I was correct when I told her what it was thankfully. there was also a old bag hanging in pts room which had solu medrol added to it so they did give it in a bag....how am i supposed to know which way she wants us to give the med?we did give it iv push. how can I possibly know all the meds off the top of my head when I have an 8 hour lecture 1pm-9pm the eve. before clinical and be there for 7am? I guess I'm just tired,,,,,will finish the last week in april then ob-pedi till august hopefully. Sorry had to vent to someone...any words of encouragement ???I could certainly use them.:cry: THANKS


Don't be too hard on yourself, we all have difficult days.

Shouldn't the method of administration be in the order? Were you not allowed to view the order prior to her asking the question?

It seems like you just have one of those instructors.

Best of luck...:)

the rounds reports we get just say IV.....Thanks!

The rounds reports we get to see only say IV. Thanks

The orders we see are from rounds reports....only says IV.thanks

the orders we see are rounds reports, they don't specify...it will just say IV... thanks

all we see are rounds reports which only specify route...IV


even the computer is having a lousy day!!!!

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