Info on lung Ca, Please?

Nurses General Nursing


Could someone explain what "cavitating bronchiogenic carcinoma" (sp?) is? Any and all information is appreciated. I have had an abnormal xray. Thanks.

You can get your information from-

a. your doctor

b. a book from a medical library/or regular library

c. the Internet

I've had this site bookmarked for quite sometime now. Loyola University Chicago. It is very informative and the pics are great! Here is some cut and paste info from the site:


Bronchogenic carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm of the lung arising from the epithelium of the bronchus or bronchiole.


Bronchogenic carcinomas begin as a small focus of atypical epithelial cells within the bronchial mucosa. As the lesion progresses, the atypia becomes frankly malignant and the neoplasm grows in size. The neoplasm may grow into the bronchial lumen, along the mucosa or into the bronchial wall and adjacent lung parenchyma. Eventually the neoplasm spreads to regional lymph nodes and distant organs such as the liver, brain and bone. Most bronchogenic carcinomas form a mass in or near the hilus. Some neoplasms, especially the adenocarcinomas, form a mass in the periphery of the lung.

Bronchogenic carcinoma tends to form an intraluminal mass which may partially or completely obstruct the bronchus. The neoplasm also may compress or invade local structures such as aorta, esophagus, superior vena cava or cervical sympathetic chain. What are the clinicopathologic consequences of obstruction or invasion?

Bronchogenic carcinoma may present with a variety clinical manifestations but the major findings are cough, weight loss, chest pain and dyspnea. These neoplasms also have the capacity to secrete hormones or hormone-like substances which have a variety of clinical effects.


You should speak with your MD about what the xray means for you.

Good Luck! :)


thanks all. i am a nurse, but i never heard of a cavitating type of tumor before my internet search, which i did when the ct scan results came back and before i went to the pulmo doc. (looks like a stage IV decub--and looks like it must smell real bad too).

so i went to the pulmo doc and he did the intake exam, told me he didn't know what i had, scheduled me for a pet scan, and went on vacation.

gee thanks doc.

someone suggested that it was kinda unethical for him to make me wait like this on a possible ca dx. what do you think? i'm getting a tad antsy and it's only been a couple days since the pet scan.

any suggestions?

i think if i don't get an answer by thursday, i'll try for a second opinion.

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