How do I get involved in Alternative/Holistic nursing?

Nurses General Nursing


What do you do when you have a nursing degree but don't believe in Western medicine or our health care system? I recently received my BSN degree and through my schooling came to the realization that I very much disagree with our health care system and Western medicine. I do not want to work in a hospital and am more interested in working in holistic/alternative nursing but have no idea where to begin to get into that field. Has anyone else had these feelings? I would appreciate any advice on this, I feel completely lost right now. I am still interested in helping people and being a nurse, but I don't feel that Western medicine is really that helpful. No one else in my nursing school cared to try and understand my feelings/beliefs, so now that I am done I am really trying to find others who do but am having a hard time. I don't want to be a typical nurse in a hospital because I feel that by giving medications and other Western medicine treatments I would be going against what I believe. I know that I am a very compassionate and caring person who is great with people, I just need to find the right place for me and don't know where to begin!

Oh I am sorry, I just re-read my comment and it came out wrong. I'd like to do an alternative program myself, but haven't found an accredited program besides the ND school which I can't do.

I grew up with alternative/holistic/naturopathic medicine, my mom is a naturopathic practioner for over 25 yrs now (federally licensed by the wa, but different country different story). I grew up seeing what it can do and how "western" medicine is fighting it all the time. It's amazing. If accepted though, it can be a superstrong combination to help so many people. She has sent people off to be treated by western medicine, for surgeries etc. She has found many people that have been mistreated and had them diagnosed correctly and receive the proper treatments. It's about finding the root of the problem.

Don't think herbs and water cures is alternative medicine. It goes beyond that, but there are so many alternative practioners that give it a bad reputation. And it requires a true calling, because you will constantly be belittled.

It's weird that you bring this up because I've been in contact with a few people who have offered me a tour of their office or facilities and offered an interview for potential employment, granted I pass my nursing exams. They were all focused on "natural healing" and homeopathy. I've also been approached by "Universities" offering "degrees" in "natural nursing". All this is baloney to me. Placebo effect aside, this treatments have no proof in favor of them and I haven't hesitated to state that to any of the people who have approached me in class or at school. I think that a lot of the times these places play a dangerous game of not fully educating the public about faith-based "medicine".

If you believe in that stuff, more power to you, but hopefully you pick up a few things in nursing school because your negative attitude towards "western medicine" is a bit frightening to me. No offense or anything like that intended in this post, just my two cents here.

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