HESI exit

Nurses General Nursing



Who can help with info from HESI V3?? I can help anyone who needs info on HESI V2!! Contact me asap!

hi! i don't have any info. on v-3. however, i think i'm going to take v-2 'coz i just took v-1 and failed. if you have any info. with v-2 maybe u can share it with me. pls. let me know how to email u. tks.

Good luck, took me three times to pass the HESI and finally graduate. However it only took me 40 minutes and 75 questions worth of NCLEX to get my liscence, good luck. NCLEX is way easier.


i feel your pain! email me at [email protected]


I need information on HESI V2. Willing to swap information.

need help with version 2 wiling to swap version 1

Hey I need info for V2 badly! Willing to swap information!

Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.

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