GCU ACNP Clinicals - Taking a Break


Specializes in ER, Med/Surg, LTC, Nursing Informatics.

Hello All,

I will be starting clinicals soon with GCU as an ACNP student. I have a few basic questions for those who may have already been in the program or are in it now.

The primary reason for asking, is I'm feeling worn down and feel I could really use a month off, just to relax and refresh my brain. This constant taking classes with only 3 or 4 day breaks, does not seem physically feasible...without something breaking at least! To that end:

1) How are Clinicals and the accompanying Didactic classes different from the other classes? I have absolutely No Clue how it works!

Since we are picking our own clinicals, are we still with the same people as the regular courses? This makes a big difference for me, because I have 2 others I can trust and vent to (online and on the phone) which is very helpful. But if they are not going to be there, I don't see why I shouldn't take a month or so off - and even more reason to do so!

2) Maybe it would be better to take a break before my assessment class? Which I will be starting in a couple weeks.

3) What are the advantages to not taking a break?

Thanks, In Advance, For ANY Info or Advice You Can Give!


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