Published Sep 24, 2009
424 Posts
Ok, so I'm recovering from oral surgery and in a good amount of pain, I need a funny, happy thread today. I'll start: 1-went to check a resident to see if she needed a change, she looks up at me and says "What are you looking for? Gold?" 2-One hilarious guy, whenever he needed to use the restroom, (he needed help, as he was unstable on his feet)-would wheel his wheelchair down the hall singing that song "nobody knows, the trouble I've seen"-the new activities director didn't know this, so she followed him around singing it with him, he found his aide of choice and said "we both need to go, let her go first though, cuz her singing is driving me up the wall!"
Ok, that's all I can think of now, the painkillers are making me sleepy lol. Im sure you guys will come up with a few good ones.
fuzzywuzzy, CNA
1,816 Posts
A confused lady who took a bite of her food and said, "Mmmm! Terrible!" in a really bright, cheerful tone. She ate 100% so I think she just picked the wrong word.
30 Posts
My lady with dementia was wanting to go to the "Bad Boys Room". Told her once I found it we would both go.
85 Posts
We have one the is constantly saying, "I need to pee"! Three or four times in a row. The other day she was in the dining room at the feeder table with the others. One of the other ladies know for being out spoken sitting across from her started to mock her saying the same thing..."I need to pee". I know we should not have laughed, but it was to darn cute! about a funny-icky story. Like changing someone and they make one of those perfect little balls on you and when you turn them to clean it starts to roll away on you! :lol_hitti