Published Mar 2, 2004
5 Posts
I am a foreign Nurse who has worked in Ontario. I wrote the exam and was not successful. I beleive I was not successful from lack of knowledge but lack of knowledge of the exam format. Their were many questions on the exam that had nothing to do with Nursing. Also, their were a lot of tricky questions. Is their a program in the GTA that teaches you how to write the exam! and not just Nursing refreshers? I saw an ad for Kreiger Research Centre that seems to have such a program, but I have never heard from them and wonder if they are legit? Has anyone heard from them or have any other suggestions? I used the CNA Exam Prep. and found it useless. It was nothing like the actual exam. I can answer 85-90% of questions correctly on the exam prep but stil did not pass the exam.
Any and all help and suggestions appreciated!
135 Posts
What I can suggest is calling the test center and ask to see your exam and see exactly where you went wrong. I don't know if they will let you but it wouldn't hurt to ask. There might be a fee for this.
It is almost impossible to try to study for this exam again if you have no idea if the content was the problem or you hit a language barrier. I think you have a good case to force them to allow you to see your own exam.
If they refuse it might be an idea to contact your closest nursing school and ask for some of the tests they use. Nusing schools stick very close to the exam format to give graduates the best chance to pass. I would call the school and talk with the student assistance department.
Finally the RNAO has a few programs and they may be helpful.
Be very very cautious of anyone who asks for a lot of money and promises that you will pass, these guys are con artists and will steal your money.
The RNAO and the CNO and the college of nurses are always the best for referalls, I would call them all and ask for help.